“This is Ezra. Since Ezra was born, he had a ‘floppy ear’ that he loved to fold over, especially when sleeping. We mentioned it to the medical providers at his initial well-child visit within the first week of life, but they weren’t concerned. His ear didn’t ‘get better’ - it kept sticking out. We tried using silicone tape to keep him from folding the ear, but the silicone tape squished and flattened the cartilage at the top of the ear. So, we again mentioned the concern to his pediatric team who then put in an ENT referral (when he was 4-weeks old). The ENT team rejected the referral, saying Ezra was now too old to consider splinting. So, I researched online to see if there were splinting options we could try on our own - and found EarBuddies. Ezra used EarBuddies from 4 to 7 weeks of age - we had to switch them out twice as they got wet with spit up, but otherwise didn’t have any issues and are very pleased with the result. Thank you!”

Before - Erza folding his ears forward

EarBuddies Splint in Position

Narrow Tapes fitted

Wide Tapes fitted

Before EarBuddies

After 3 weeks